Zensurance (2021 - present) Full-Time EmploymentLX design initiatives for employee learning and development. Coming Soon!
Wines of Italy (2020 - 2021) Personal Project UI design & front-end coding challenge.
Influitive (2021) Contract UX-enhancements for advocate marketing SaaS products.
Maropost (2019 - 2020) ContractUX-UI SaaS marketing platform redesign initiative.
Akira (2019) Design ChallengeUX-UI redesign to enhance the healthcare company’s platform’s onboarding experience.
Simplii Financial (2019) Student ProjectUX-UI implementation of new budgeting and financial analytics feature for a banking app.
Constant Contact (2019) Student ProjectUX-UI redesign of email campaign creation and management task flow for Saas marketing platform.
UI Challenges (2019)Personal ProjectA collection of daily UI challenges.